= Words for Music – Nigel Morgan

Words for Music

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Poems by Margaret and Nigel Morgan

Words for Music is a collection of poems and libretti originally written for the music of Nigel Morgan.

This volume features poetry by Margaret and Nigel Morgan, alongside accompanying illustrations by Dette Allmark, Phil Legard and Janet Bolton.

Words for Music is primarily available as a Kindle eBook. Other electronic formats including ePub and PDF will be available presently.

Preview and purchase Words for Music at the Amazon Kindle Store.

You can learn more about the music associated with Words for Music by clicking the links below to access scores, programme notes and interpretation:

Basilisk (solo bass clarinet)

The Text is a Star (soloists, choir and chamber organ)

The Man with the Golden Key (baritone voice and piano)

Nine Figures on a Hill (choral songs for double choir)

Music for Sculptures (variable instrumentation)

The Heavens are Telling (three spiritual madrigals for choir)

The Present Moment is the Only Real Time (girls’ voice and electric piano)

Under Attermire Scar (chamber choir)

Pleasing Myself (soprano and piano)

Sounding the Deep (bass voice and orchestra)

Improving Silence (three quaker texts for soprano voice and guitar)

A Year of Colour (twelve songs for chamber choir).