= Tu non se’ in terra… – Nigel Morgan

Tu non se’ in terra…

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Tu non se’ in terra, si come tu credi…

Not upon earth, as you suppose

tower these rocks that turn the wind,

for on their summits angels stand.

Nor from the earth these waters rise to

quench not thirst, but ecstasy

the waterfall leaps from the sky.

Those nameless clouds that storm and swirl

about the mountain are the veil

that from these sightless eyes shall fall

when senses faint into the ground,

and time and place go down the wind.

The final song Tu non se’ in terra, returns to the sound world of the opening, albeit in a slightly darker and truncated version. The same transformation process is engaged between whole-tone scales and the song ends enigmatically with repeated 5/8 figure that appears to ‘fall’ but never progresses, only gradually fades away.

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